The Warming Shelter
The Warming Shelter has opened for the 2024-25 winter. The new location is the Thane Warehouse at 1325 Eastaugh Way near the Rock Dump. Hours are from 9pm to 6:45 am daily. We have budgeted to operate every day from now until April 15. This year will see changes with indoor bathrooms and increased security coordination with our neighbors.
Transportation to the Warming Shelter will be provided by the Glory Hall with two trips from 8517 Teal Street in the 15 passenger van . These trips will be at 8:30 and 9:30pm.
The St. Vincent de Paul 15-passenger van will make rounds downtown during the night. Anyone in need of transportation during shelter hours can call 907-419-7213 to arrange pickup.
The shelter closes at 6:45am with a city bus provided by Capital Transit leaving at 6:45am to return guests to other locations within our city.
We welcome donations of blankets, hats, gloves, and winter clothing. Volunteers can drop items off at the shelter during operation hours or at St. Vincent de Paul offices at 8617 Teal Street in the valley.